CUSTOM PRINTED 6 Pack Carrier for 16 oz – 20 oz Bottles

$16,000.00 – $45,000.00
6 Pack Custom Printed Cardboard Carriers
10,000 carrier minimum
Can have 1-6 colors. $200 per color* on initial order only *This includes proof & plates
Add .02¢ per carrier to print on Kraft carriers.
Shipping is F.O.B. Rising Sun, MD
Expect delivery 4 weeks after the artwork is approved.
Artwork Submission Guidelines:
Create all final art in or convert to an Adobe Illustrator file. Files must be saved as a native Illustrator file or Print or Press Ready PDF. Convert all fonts to outlines/curves or include all Screen & printer fonts. All spot colors should be designated. All process colors must be defined in CMYK not RGB. For Digital Images EVERY file used to create the final piece MUST be included. This includes linked or placed files. Include layered Photoshop .psd or .tif files. ALL FILES MUST BE EDITABLE! Save images at 300ppi/dpi, sized to 100%.
All files must be saved in CMYK or Grayscale. We will send you a formal proof for your approval. Any additional art charges that you request will be billed at $25/hour.We will send you a formal proof for your approval. As is standard in the industry, you can expect a +/- 10% variance in the final quantity produced. You will be required to accept the final quantity as a finished PO.
Click here to download 6 PAK Template.pdf
Click here for Template Instructions
Email your artwork to:
Click here for 4 Pack Custom Cardboard Carrier for 12 oz. Bottles
Click here for 6 Pack Custom Cardboard Carrier for 12 oz. Bottles